Portable AllDup bundles more search parameters that enable the application to show file attributes, the owner name and hard link at the end of the task, scan the contents of ZIP and RAR archives, ignore 0-byte folders, exclude files by size, as well as set up user-defined file and folder filters.

Furthermore, you can exclude characters and time stamps, ID3 tags of MP3 files, EXIF information of JPEGs, as well as compare a data block at the end of the file. The search process can be carried out in terms of name, extension, size, content, last modified date, attributes and creation date. The application simplifies the entire selection process by displaying the folders and hard drive partitions stored on your computer directly in the primary panel. It sports a clean and straightforward interface that offers direct access to many customizable search options.

Plus, it doesn’t leave any traces in the Windows Registry.

Since this is the portable version of the program, you can copy it on any USB flash drive or any other devices, and take it with you whenever you want to scan a computer for file duplicates. Portable AllDup is an intuitive file management application that comes packed with a powerful search engine for helping you find and remove file duplicates.